Products made of DOLOCAST™ offer a unique appearance. The material gives design flexibility that goes beyond possibilities off all traditional materials.

DOLOCAST™ comes from nature. Its main ingredient is dolomite. Dolomite is composed of calcium magnesium carbonate, CaMg(CO3)2. It was formed over 250 million years ago when the Earth witnessed increased volcanic activity. Dolomite sedimentary rocks were covered by layers of magma. High temperatures and enormous pressures recrystallised original minerals. Due to metamorphic processes the dolomite marble gained a beautiful look and hardness.

Today raw materials are sourced from carefully selected certified mines located in EU. Then the rocks are milled and purified.

The outer layer of a product is made of nanocoat, hardened resin with pigment and particles of quartz. It determines the final gloss and smoothness of the surface.